Elements of a Shared Vision

Philippine Agenda 21 envisions a better quality of life for all through the development of a just, moral, creative, spiritual, economically vibrant, caring, diverse yet cohesive society characterized by appropriate productivity, participatory and democratic processes and living in harmony within the limits of the carrying capacity of nature and the integrity of creation.

In concretizing the vision, Philippine Agenda 21 describes a path of images for individuals, families, households and communities; for each ecosystem and across ecosystems in consideration of the interaction of the various lifescapes and landscapes found therein.

The Philippine Agenda 21 adheres to the following principles of sustainable development:

Primacy of Developing Human Potential
Holistic Science and Appropriate Technology
Cultural, Moral and Spiritual Sensitivity
Self determination
National Sovereignty
Gender Sensitivity
Peace, order and National Unity
Social Justice and Inter-, Intra-generational and Spatial Equity
Participatory Democracy
Institutional Viability
Viable, Sound and Broad based Economic Development
Sustainable Population
Ecological Soundness
Biogeographical equity and Community Based Resource Management
Global Cooperation


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