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Pollution Prevention


Cleaning your House

Some of the cleaning chemicals used today have ingredients that can harm you. These ingredients are in products for cleaning glass, restroom fixtures, metal, kitchens, carpets, and hard floors, to name only a few.

Are Your Cleaners Safe?

Read The Label - Avoid products that have the words "Danger", "Poison", or "Warning".  When you must use a strong product to get the job done, protect yourself by wearing gloves and goggles, and be sure that your work area has plenty of fresh air.

Call Customer Service - Most labels have a number to call with questions.  Ask the customer service people to tell you if the product you are using has hazardous ingredients that may harm you.   If there is no phone number on the container, ask the store where you bought the product.

What Cleaners Have The Most Risk?

Product Type Hazardous Ingredients How This Can Harm You
Glass Cleaner
General Purpose Cleaner
Carpet Spot Remover
A solvent called "Butoxyethanol" Butoxyethanol absorbs through your skin and poisons your blood, liver, and kidneys.  Wear gloves when you use cleaners with this ingredient.


Toilet Cleaner Hydrochloric Acid
Phosphoric Acid
These acids are very good for removing hard water rings, but they can also blind you in seconds. Wear your gloves and goggles, or better yet change to a milder product (one with Citric Acid - strong lemon juice).


Oven Cleaner
Heavy Duty Degreaser
Sodium Hydroxide Oven cleaner in a spray can - very convenient, but also very dangerous. Sodium hydroxide can blind you, and the vapors can harm your lungs. Use it with care - wear gloves & goggles, and provide lots of fresh air.

For more on this, visit the Department of Environmental Quality.

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