The Earth Summit in 1992 recommended the active participation of citizens along with governments in implementation of the Rio agreements.  Since then, many countries have established their own multi-stakeholder participatory body, referred to as National Council for Sustainable Development (NCSD), to promote and implement sustainable development at the national level.

           The Philippine Council for Sustainable Development (PCSD) was created on September 1, 1992 through Executive Order No. 15 in order to chart environment and sustainable development (SD) initiatives in the country.  

           The PCSD became one of the few government bodies that have adopted the principles of counterparting and consensus-building in their structure.  It institutionalized the participation of members of the civil society as counterparts of government representatives.  Through the leadership of the PCSD, the Philippines has been able to undertake more concrete steps in pursuit of the global vision for SD.  Foremost among these is the formulation of Philippine Agenda 21 (PA 21) as the country's blueprint for sustainable development.  Its launching on Sept. 26, 1996 marked a significant milestone for the PCSD, highlighted by the signing of a Peoples' Covenant Towards a Transition to Sustainable Development by all stakeholders.

           On the occasion of the fourth year anniversary of the Council on Sept. 26 1996, the President of the Philippines issued Executive Order No. 370 to further strengthen the PCSD with fresh mandates and an expanded membership which includes business and labor sector representatives.

           In 1996, through Memorandum Order No. 399, in adopting PA 21 as the national agenda for sustainable development, the PCSD is mandated to oversee and monitor the implementation of the PA 21 by providing the coordinating and monitoring mechanisms for its implementation.  PCSD is also authorized to mobilize coordinating bodies, including the Regional Development Councils and the local councils for sustainable development for this purpose. 

           To actively and effectively participate in the Earth Summit +10, the President of the Philippines issued on 19 August 2000 the Memorandum Order No. 110 directing the PCSD to make a ten year review of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) commitments.

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       To effectively carry its functions, the PCSD created Committees and Sub-Committees that are mandated to address the different concerns. 

         PCSD is headed by the Director-General of the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) as Chairperson, and the Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) as Vice-Chairperson.  The membership of the Council is composed of various departments of the government and groups/organization from the civil society.   The members of the committees and sub-committees are representatives from the national government agencies and their counterpart from the civil society, non-government organizations, and people's organizations. 

 <<directory of members>>


         In support of the PCSD, four committees were created corresponding to the four major areas of concern of the global Agenda 21.  These committees are: Committee on Social and Economic Dimensions (SCED), Committee on Conservation and Management of Resources for Development (CCMRD), Committee on Strengthening the Role of Major Groups (CSRMG), and Committee on Means of Implementation (CMI).

   <<directory of committee members>>


         Sub-Committees were also created, namely: Sub-Committees on Biodiversity, Atmosphere, Land Resources, and Water Resources under Committee on the Conservation and Management of Resources for Development (CCMRD); and Sub-Committees on Financing Arrangements, Science and Technology, Information and Education, and Legal and Institutional Arrangements under the Committee on Means and Implementation (CMI). 

 <<directory of sub-committee members>>


            The Council is assisted by the Natural Resources Division- Agriculture Staff of the National Economic and Development Authority which act as the Secretariat. 

<<directory of the coordinating secretariat>>

     Local Committees/Councils  

        To further strengthen the PCSD, local councils and committees were organized and created in various regions of the country.  A study team composed of government, civil society and donor agency representatives has been formed to undertake field visits to establish local councils for sustainable development (LCSD).  The activity seeks to strengthen linkages between the national PCSD and the local level LCSDs.  These field visits also serve as a venue for sharing SD initiatives at the local level and to evaluate the sustainability of pilot activities initiated by the local community in partnership with government and other stakeholders.

  <<directory of local council members>>


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Distinct Features of the PCSD
  • The PCSD includes the participation of members of civil society as counterpart to the representatives of the State. NGO/PO representatives in the Council are selected through a process designed and implemented by them, not by the government.
  •  The PCSD grants the NGO/PO sector a counterpart role in decision-making. The PCSD's decision-making process requires a consensus among GO and NGO/PO members. Hence, the PCSD position to an issue would include the view and sentiments of the NGO/ PO community.
  •  The PCSD is committed to information sharing. Information necessary for members to make clear, firm, informed judgement on policy issues will ensure the effectivity of the Council.
  •  " The PCSD is a potent mechanism for strengthening civil society and its role In sustainable development. More than any other government organization, the Council operationalizes President Ramos' program of people empowerment through authentic participation of NG0s and P0s."

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The Mandates and Functions of PCSD
  • Review and ensure the implementation of the Philippine commitments to sustainable development principles made at the UNCED;
  • Establish guidelines and mechanisms to concretise and operationalize the sustainable development principles embodied in the Rio Declaration during the UNCED and the Philippine Agenda 21, and incorporate them in the preparation of the Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan at both the national and local levels;
  • Provide directions in the form of policy reforms, programs, and new legislations to address continuing and emergent issues and to chart future actions related to, environment and sustainable development;
  • Act as a coordinating mechanism, in cooperation with the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) - Office of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) and other international organizations, on the provision of assistance and cooperation towards the fulfillment of Philippine commitments to the UNCED; and
  • Formally adopt a Philippine Agenda 21 and develop national sustainability plans.


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          Meetings / Events


click here for
06 December 2002 42nd PCSD Meeting - -
08 October 2002 Post World Summit on Sustainable Development Workshop - -
30 September 2002 41st PCSD Meeting - -
14 August 2002 Meeting of the Philippine Delegation in Preparation for the World Summit on Sustainable Development - -
08 August 2002 Meeting of the PCSD Sub-Committee of Information and Education in html

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